Tricky But White Hat Link Building Technique


Disclaimer:  This can be massively abused.  Please note that I am not at all condoning the use of this tactic to spam blogs!

Finding CommentLuv blogs to comment on

This is pretty obvious once you soak it in, so there isn’t much detail to this tip.  CommentLuv is a WordPress plugin that allows your blog to search for your commentators’ last blog post.  (if they have a blog and they put their blog address in the URL field when making a comment on your blog)

CommentLuv will go to their site, check to see if its a blog, check to see their last post, grab the link and the title of that post, and come back to YOUR blog and put the title of their last post which is also linked.

You can go through some of my older posts and see it in action or check out my post on the CommentLuv plugin to see how it works.

CommentLUV links are pretty valuable, even if they are no-follow links.

I have noticed a significant increase in the number of clicks from blog comments I’ve made on sites using CommentLuv.  Obviously, people are given a convenient link to click on with the title of my last post which sells the click well if I’ve made a good headline (title) for the post.

Given that fact, I have done searches in my niche to find out which of my fellow internet marketing bloggers are using CommentLuv.

Here’s how to Google and find all the CommentLuvers in your niche:

keyword “Enable CommentLuv which will”

Put your umbrella keyword for your niche in the keyword area.  It can be a phrase like “blog marketing” or just one keyword like “marketing.”

You will turn up dozens if not hundreds of blogs using this plugin and talking about your topic.

Now you can go get into the discussion on these blogs (making REAL and VALUABLE comments!) and also pick up that extra link CommentLuv puts on the bottom of your comments.

Food for Thought:  What other popular WordPress plugins can you think of that work like CommentLuv to do similar searches?

Example:  If there were a popular plugin a lot of bloggers use to reward their most active commentators with a link in their sidebar, (Top 5 Most Active Members, e.g.) you can isolate text from that plugin that is pretty unique, put it in quotes with your keyword as above, and find every blog using that plugin so you can become active on those sites.

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commentluv, finding commentluv users, link building

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