Podcasts, Articles, and (Humble) Brags
I've been fortunate in my career to grab the attention of some of the most accomplished marketers and e-geniuses on the Planet. Below are some highlights of interviews and articles I've contributed to different sites around the web...
Producer & Host: Rewilding Earth Podcast
Co-Host of Leverage Masters Podcast
Internet Marketing and Business Experts I Was Fortunate To Interview on "Webside Chats" (2007-2010)
Guest Articles
- Huffington Post
- Business2Community
- How To Accomplish 12 Months Of Marketing In 12 Weeks
- Curation as a Content Marketing Strategy
- Blog Like It’s 1899! (And Get More Engagement)
- The New Blog Marketing Attitude For 2012 And Beyond
- Building and Leveraging a Guest Blogging Portfolio
- Content Marketing With Curation
- Overwhelmed? Take A Social Media Marketing Zen Approach
- Marketing For Success: 5 Things That Work In Social Media
- Daily Blog Tips: How To Go From A Training Blog to an A-List Blog
- HowtoSpoter: How to Focus Your Marketing to Attract Buyers
Podcast Appearances...
- Directions University Podcast with Gina Gaudio-Graves
- On Monetizing Your Blog with Micheal Savoie
- On Authority Sites with Willie Crawford
- Blog Tips From The Devil with Scott Fox
- Web 2.0 Marketing, with Warner Carter
- Video Marketing with Rob Shultz
- Where is your gold in keywords? Two Chicks Marketing
- Blogs and Twitter with Michelle Price
- How Local Search Can Save Your Business with Kevin Rockwell
- Webside Chat with Scott Bowling
- Meet Online Experts with Renee Bobb
- Software Development for Web 2.0 with Warner Carter
Need More Writing Samples?
I've been writing about marketing, content strategies, SEO, SEM, motivation, and many other related topics since 2003. You can search 15 years of content below, or just pick from a few of my most recent articles below that.
Plumb the Depths Back to 2003!
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Recent Thoughts
Digital Pioneers: The GenX Marketers Who Continue To Evolve
For GenX marketers, it never really was about overnight success stories and the flash-in-the-pan trends. The real digital gold was[...]
Focus and Fear of Success – The Biggest Monkey on Your Back?
Note: Another from the archives around 2003-2005. They are few and far between, but some pieces stood the test of[...]
Boost Your Business and Personal Success by Creating Your Own Luck!
Note: I first published this article in 2004. I love how it has held up over the years. Jason Zweig[...]
5 Ways To Grow Your Business Faster Day 4
This is Day 4 of the "5 Ways To Grow Your Business Faster" series.Go To: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3So[...]
Day 3 of the 5 Ways To Grow Your Business Faster Series
This is Day 3 of "5 Ways To Grow Your Business Faster" series. (Go to Day 1 | Day 2)[...]
Day 2 of 5 Ways To Grow Your Business Faster
This is Day 2 of "5 Ways To Grow Your Business Faster" series. (Go to Day 1)In order to figure[...]