What is Power Linking?


I wrote the first edition of Power Linking back in 2002.  For 4 years this internet marketing course, now in its 4th major revision, has been sold to thousands of online business owners and publishers.

It is very difficult for internet marketing courses to maintain their staying power in such a volatile, constantly changing “webscape.”  Search engines change their algorithms for ranking sites frequently and new marketing tactics come and go everyday.

The reason Power Linking is still one of the best selling courses on the web is simply because it was conceived from the basic principles that make up the web.  Without which, the internet as you know it would not exist.

Links are what make the web work.  How search engines value links changes over time, but links at their very most basic level are the thread that weave this big web of sites together.

That is the essence of Power Linking.  Many people mistake Power Linking for old reciprocal linking techniques and outdated tactics because it has been around so long.  As if it has not grown with the changes in the current internet marketing environment.

And that is a big mistake to make.  At least 10 people buy Power Linking each and everyday.  The returns are very very low, so something must be working for my customers!

Because my tactics are built upon solid internet marketing mainstays and not fly-by-night theories that pop up on the web seemingly every hour, Power Linking has enjoyed what the vast majority of courses on the web have never been able to achieve:  longevity and staying power.

More importantly it gives ordinary people with great sites the power to get marketing results usually reserved for deep pocket sites dripping with ample venture capital.

Power Linking is a mindset as much as a system for driving website traffic to any kind of site.  I make sure to infuse content into the course that supports the tactics with a certain focus a marketer must have to be successful online.

As you can plainly figure from my free chapter of Power Linking, I don’t put much stock in search engine marketing.  Not that search engine traffic isn’t important, it is, but I really work to bring people down from the clouds and put search engine marketing in its place in a proper, well-rounded marketing campaign.

This has saved thousands of online business owners from the pain and suffering inflicted on their businesses by being reliant on only one traffic source.  If religion is the opiate of the people, then search engine marketing is the opiate of the webmaster.

Far too much lip service is given to search engine marketing and not nearly enough to the rest of what it takes to get traffic to your site or sites.  It is almost like a get-rich-quick scheme the way people market search engine services on the web these days.

And search engine marketing is far from quick – about anything anymore.

Power Linking gives you a passive-aggressive approach to search engine marketing.  I have proven time and again with case studies and testing that if you market online with a well-rounded campaign that targets your very best prospects wherever they surf, the engines will give you what you want.

Google even says the same thing.  Market to your customers and not the engines and the engines will reward you for the content you carefully and thoughtfully provide your visitors.  This includes the content you syndicate as well as on-site content.

The biggest mistake I ever made was the title of the course.  I have reached critical mass with it, so I would kill all my hard work to change the title now.  But the name Power Linking, according to surveys I have done with prospects, gives people the idea that the course is only about a specific kind of linking, like the now-not-so-effective reciprocal linking directories we made a killing with in the early years of Google’s link popularity index.

The more proper name, just far less catchy, would be “This is How Professional Marketers Market Their Sites!”  With maybe a subtitle, equally pedantic, “A complete marketing system of tactics that the best marketers online swear by.”

Finally, Power Linking is for the masses.  It should be required reading for college courses on website promotion.  (I am working on that actually!)  There are no gimmicks or risky techniques that can get you banned from search engines.  And the basic tactics work and work and work, no matter how many times the search engines change their algorithms.

That’s because you can take a hit at Yahoo, go down in rankings, and still be getting plenty of traffic from other sources to keep your website chock full of daily unique hits.

Tens of thousands of websites have come and gone since Power Linking was first released.  And a huge portion of those sites could still be in business had their owners only taken the course!

Many thousands of sites are cranking away with hits and profits because of Power Linking.  It is responsible for untold millions of targeted visitors to tens of thousands of sites all over the web.

Well-rounded, solid, proven (time and again) marketing.  That’s what Power Linking really is.  And unless I simply cash out and buy an island to retire on, it will be here years from now giving students the benefit of realizing their dreams of driving all the traffic they want to their sites.

If it wasn’t true, I wouldn’t waste time promoting something for which everyone would request a refund!  I simply wouldn’t be in business… now 4 years later.

So, grab yourself a copy of Power Linking today and start bringing your site the traffic it needs to make your dreams a reality!

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