Thanks Stompers!


I did a great call tonight. Not that I was great, but to a great group of people in Brad Fallon and Andy Jenkin’s Stomper Group.

We had a 2 hour chat about [tag-tec]Social Power Linking[/tag-tec] and grabbing great search engine rankings and targeted traffic from social media sites like mine.

I’m very impressed with the group those guys have put together. In Orlando after I spoke (as fast as I could, we only had an hour!) I was mobbed by the nicest mob I’ve ever been mobbed by before. 🙂

Real professional people. I got to meet a lot of people that weekend and they all struck me as hard working, thirsty for knowledge, and eager to put what they are learning to use.

Which makes speakers like me want to tell them more and more and help any way I can.

I’ve seen the other side. Talking to a jaded crowd that is just waiting for the black hat tricks so they can cheat their way (you can’t, by the way) to owning a powerful authority site without working.

The difference is night and day. (Black and White ((hat)) )?

Anyway, thanks again to all my new friends at Stomper. Was great talking to you tonight and I hope to see you on the Social Power Linking Intensive Training webinars coming up soon!

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andy jenkins, brad fallon, power linking, social marketing, stomernet, stomper live

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