Targeted Traffic From Social Networks…


I’ve been completely floored this week by the way has taken off.

Sometimes it seems like a big company has to buy in to really get the current community to explode! And it has.

My MBL network has grown a lot this week and everyone seems to be posting comments on each others community pages like mad now.

My traffic from the community has tripled this week just from participating and surfing over there.

If you are a blogger and you aren’t in the MyBlogLog world yet, you best get stompin’! And don’t forget to join the Blog Promotion group as your first order of business.

Spicy Page is also really taking off. It is really fun to watch new communities grow. And I like helping them do it.

It is a blog voting and popularity community. People who sign up seem to be surfing through the other members and commenting on other blogs, usingthe system to discover new content in the blogosphere.

I like the neat twist they put on the community system and I can’t wait to see what they do with the video hosting tab which is still under construction.

My traffic from is going up and I am getting new readers and subscribers from them.

I will have a list of all the new social networks I’ve discovered soon. Things are definitely going vertical instead of just large, general communities.

For instance, I found a new story posting place like Digg, but just for marketers and marketing content. It’s called PlugIm.

This site is sending me daily [tag-tec]targeted traffic[/tag-tec] just by posting my posts and articles there for readers to pick up.

Make sure you take some time soon to “get social.” My stats are up across the board from taking a bit of time each day to interact with neat services like these, so it is time well spent.

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blog promotion, mybloglog, plugim, social networking, social networks, spicy page

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