Sometimes I think we are all trying TOO hard…


I can’t imagine how well this site is doing. Well, I can. I have. I am right now.

Coming off a launch of new software with tons of planning, programming, headaches, sales copy, videos, beta testing, then, finally, launching, someone sent me a site tonight that makes me go hmmmm…

After a heavy work week (it’s only Wednesday, lol) I am perfectly primed to appreciate businesses based on pure simplicity.

And this is one of the simplest I’ve ever seen…

Meet: PooYou!

I don’t imagine the mind map for the planning phase of this business was all that extensive. It’s the civilized, modern day equivalent to lighting a bag of poo on fire on your neighbor’s porch, knocking on the door and running to hide behind the bushes to watch hilarity ensue.

Thought for the day: Keep it simple. The best business ideas of all time have been mostly dead simple ones., at least early on, didn’t have too much code behind it and the plan was dead simple. Let people upload and share videos. I’ve spent more time planning and designing complicated publishing systems than it would take to create 50 YouTubes.

It’s the Idea, Stupid!

Whether you are selling poop or pomegranates, best not to get real deep. Most of the emotions humans act on are very close to the surface, which is why surface value sells for such a premium no matter the product.

You don’t need everything in the Brookstone catalog. If you buy anything from it I’d wager you are buying it for the “idea” more than the usefulness or “needfulness” of the product itself.

Who ever needed a fake boulder to hide their keys under in the front yard until one was invented? The idea was what was captivating to buyers. Once they got their fake, plastic boulder in the mail, many probably second guessed their decision.

Who ever felt the need to send someone a bag of poo until someone thought it up, put a 5 page site together with an order form and secured a large supply of worm poop?

Right now I feel that need. Is it because I like the the product so much? It’s freakin’ poop! Or maybe it’s just that it’s a great idea?

How can you make your life as an online business person simpler by stepping back and realizing its the simple things that make all the money. Simple things, but always powered by great ideas.

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great ideas, poo you, send poop

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