Selling With Video


Mike Stewart has an incredible set of tips on selling with video.  I can’t imagine how well he does in Ebay with video sales presentations, but I know he’s killing his competition with the method he shows for free on his blog.

The video you are about to see starts out as “10 Things You Can Do With A Flip Digital Netcam” which pretty much erases any excuses you might have for not doing more video sales letters.  The Flip is the least expensive digital video recorder I’ve ever seen, has 10 megapixel resolution, and it is dead easy to use.

Once you get some ideas about using the Flip for all kinds of business purposes, Mike takes you to another video on how to use your Flip and Amazon S3 to sell on Ebay.  And I mean SELL on Ebay!  This method increases your sales more than any other single method I’ve ever seen on Ebay.

Thanks for the killer tips Mike!

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flip digital, mike stewart, selling with video, video sales letters

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