So I’ve always had this fascination with creating a round website.
“Why does everything have to be square on the web?” I’d ask. (Always to myself because I can sense the stupid dripping off the question the minute I open my mouth to ask it.)
Sometimes we can be way off in our thinking when it comes to the future of web publishing. Sometimes we can be dead-on too.
In the early 2000’s I thought about how nice it would be to be able to develop sites live, and edit them right on the front of the site instead of with an editor. And later the same thing, when WordPress started to take over, without having to be in the post or page editor and “imagining” what the page was going to look like when I hit “Preview.”
Well, the day has come, first as a gimmick (see for an impotent view of live editing**), and now as a reality for real websites built on WordPress.
If you could combine the power of WordPress to build a real, functional, optimized and capable website, with visual editing on the very front of the site, you’d have what developers all over the world are working on right now.
I just got a glimpse of some very powerful features in a WordPress theme that combines visual editing with some other very cool plugins and features that literally took my breath away. For the first time I could see anyone sitting down with very little instruction and setting up a page exactly the way they want it without a smidgen of geek training.
I’ll have more on the theme later, but I just wanted to report from the Edge of the Internet that the future is coming FAST for web developers and normal, regular folk who want to just make effective, powerful pages and sites without anything or anyone getting in the way of their vision.
Stay tuned! Maybe I’ll be the first to video the visual development and editing of a round website! 🙂
**The actual site you end up with, using services like Wix, is nothing more than a digital brochure. Not a marketing machine capable of ranking and engaging.