Get MySpace Friends: Review of BadderAdder Friend Adder Bot


BadderAdder is pretty convincing way to bypass Myspace and get thousands of friends really fast – real test results.

I have a new friend: Michelle Phearson, creator of Badder Adder. Her bot will let you [TAG]bypass Myspace[/TAG] filters, add unlimited friends, and unlimited bulletins along with accepting hundreds of [TAG]myspace friend requests[/TAG] automatically without having to do the deed by hand. (A miserable task!)
I checked out this friend adder bot for [TAG]MySpace[/TAG] promotion and found it to be extremely tight.

In just over a few hours of on and off usage (it worked mostly in the background while I did other things) I was up to 86 new MySpace Friends.

EDIT: It has been two weeks now and I have over 3000 friends!!! Check it out here. Not a single problem with the software. VERY handy that it accepts friend requests for you if you use a service like FriendFury – that can take a LONG time to do by hand!


That was just too cool. Especially since it was a brand new MySpace account!

Michelle has put a lot of value into Badder Adder and, for the money, you won’t find software that does this much to promote your MySpace profile.

Using [TAG]MySpace[/TAG] to connect with a sampling of 109 million users is a no brainer. And working too hard by hand to create a good friend list is just dumb.

Considering all the work I was able to get done while BadderAdder was working to bring me new friends on autopilot, I give this software a BIG thumbs up.

BadderAdder FEATURES

“Add Thousands of MySpace Friends and Automatically Send Messages, Comments, Bulletins and Event Invitations”

* Add friends from anywhere on MySpace – steal other people’s friends, steal friends from Groups, or simply browse for friends by zip code, age, sex, etc.
* Bypass MySpace’s image verification process while adding friends
* Send unlimited friend requests each day!
* Send multiple comments to your friends – don’t send everyone the same boring comment!
* Send Event Invitations to all your friends
* Send Event Invitaions just to the friends you specify, or by geographic location
* Send messages to any MySpace user
* Blast your friends by sending as many bulletins as you want, at the times you want!
* Bypass MySpace’s bulletin limits and allow you to send the same bulletin, over and over
* Use Badder Adder with as many MySpace accounts as you want
* “Chain” multiple MySpace accounts together – no re-logging in as each account finishes sending friend requests, messages or bulletins (this is for power users)
* Store each account’s messages, comments and bulletins to work with over and over
* Auto-Accept friend requests
* Disable images for faster performance
* Import and export friend ID’s to work with over and over
* Track statistics for all your profiles
* Never buy another MySpace bot – Badder Adder does it all!

Click the scary monkey thing below grab BadderAdder!

Edit 4/26/2007:  Badder Adder has been discontinued.  The above links all point to the new baby brother of BadderAdder called Friend Laser.  You can download Friend Laser here. 


badder adder, bypass myspace, friend requests, myspace, myspace bot, myspace friend requests, myspace friends

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