Making sure your linkbait (content) gets picked up everywhere!


Garrett French has posted “5 Tips to Maximize the Distribution and Value of Your Link Bait” today.

He comments on Lee Odden’s piece about social media campaigns not being for everyone and that they are “one hit wonders” for the most part.

I disagree with that assessment of social marketing unless people who use social marketing only use it one time.

I feel that if you don’t have a system for producing results with social media regularly (everytime you post content) then you are going to get mighty tired and quit doing it.

People who don’t have a system or a staff member who keeps their content in the limelight usually question the usefulness of [tag-tec]social media marketing[/tag-tec].

Social Power Linking, as I call it, is an ongoing campaign that works like many other forms of online marketing, in that, will stop producing results when you stop doing it.

(Although the links it produces are far more valuable long-term than doing old fashioned reciprocal linking!)

When you add up all the things we do in a well-rounded marketing campaign these days, there are fewer things you can do today “just once” to get a residual effect.

More than ever the engines are geared toward up-to-the-minute news and content while the lasting rankings are reserved for the major keywords your site scores best for overall.

I have some core phrases for this site (a handful), yet I am topping 2000 keyword phrases people use to find me each month that would be considered longtail.

Longtail search is a very dynamic, fluid and “evergreen” with pages moving all over the place month to month for our longer phrases.

Because I score for so many phrases a month, I am not about to cut off my social marketing just because it generates the bulk of its traffic around the time I publish something that catches on out there.

The links are valuable for as long as they stay live, which Odden did not mention in his post.

If I were to stay within the confines of traditional marketing, I’d have far less search engine traffic and for only a relative handful of phrases.

In the end, it is all important.  There isn’t a best method or, to my mind, a choice between any methods out there that work on their own.

If you want to dominate your niche, you use traditional and new media marketing in tandem, and on a daily basis.

More Linkbait Tips…

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getting links, link bait, linkbait, social media marketing, social power linking, Website Promotion

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