John Reese Drops A Bomb In “Rebirth of Internet Marketing”


I’ve been waiting for this report for awhile.  John Reese has been hinting at it and I knew to expect nothing less than groundbreaking content.

If for no other reason than the fact that the bar has been raised 10 stories high for free reports on internet marketing by some key players online including Michel Fortin and yours truly with Authority Black Book.

Today on the internet is John’s day.  He could blow it or blow people away.  I think the majority of people are going to experience the latter.

One of the key points in the report (I am going to make you download and read the whole thing because you must understand the things John is talking about if you are going to survive in the coming years online) is one that touches upon what I’ve been harping on for 2 years.

On page 29 begins my favorite part of the report:
“Another major evolution that’s happened online is the growing power of the authority site.”

In this section John talks about an important shift in internet marketing away from the old model of spreading yourself too thin and toward building a central authority site.

“The top players in all the markets will have most of their resources into ONE major site.”

This is true today for a tiny minority of online marketers, but it is coming true for more and more as days, not weeks, pass.

It’s been the case for me since May 2006.  The site you are on now is my [tag-tec]authority site[/tag-tec] where most of my best work, time, and resources are housed.

John’s report will be an eye-opener for tens of thousands of marketers as they feverishly download and devour it this week.

His insight benefits from being online and “turning profits” since virtually the beginning of the internet and has made him a millionaire several times over.

John Reese needs a moment of your time to blow you away today.  I highly recommend you let him do so.  In return, you are going to have a clearer idea of how to develop a long term strategy for an online business that is unstoppable and certainly profitable.

Check out the “Rebirth of Internet Marketing” ASAP.

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free reports, internet marketing, john reese, rebirth of internet marketing

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