So I check out the Warrior Forum tonight and in the Special Offers section this dude is actually SELLING the idea of guest posting.
He doesn’t come out and say the words “guest posting” but anyone can read between the lines, right? Wrong.
People are actually swept up in the offer asking real questions about the tactic of “hijacking” traffic from authority sites. A tactic that’s legal!, and they know you’re doing it.
There’s literally only one thing the product could be about, and it should be something everyone knows about by now. But apparently they don’t.
(By the way, the method he’s talking about works. It’s just a shame so many people don’t know that it’s a widely known, old tactic on the web which is taught for free on about every respectable marketing blog there is.)
It makes me wonder if I should have sold the scores of posts I’ve made over the years about guest posting like it was a gimmick (but not really) and bordering on illegal (but not really!)
Look folks, if you ever need to know how to generate a lot of traffic, all you have to do is run away from people who talk really LOUDLY about generating it. They’re almost always pulling a fast one on you.
It’s tempting to think that the stuff you learn is immediately useless and, rather than give it a real try, we just go to the next thing.
It’s way more fun to dream about all the traffic you could be getting than doing the work it takes to get it. That’s why people make a career out of buying courses.
Then their significant others bitch them out when the credit card statement comes at the end of the month, and they get on the web and pass the buck to the “scammers” who “took” their money and ran.
All the while, what the spouse should have been REALLY mad about is the lack of action that was taken on any of the stuff purchased. They’d probably have some success by now had they just done the work.
Anyhoo, just thought I’d share that. Was funny and sad at the same time.
(None of the above was meant to excuse or condone the real scammers out there who dupe people on purpose. I am as aware as anyone else that there are thieves on the web. But it isn’t nearly the majority of people selling stuff online. A product might suck and you might not get anything out of it, but it doesn’t mean someone is evil. They just put a bad product out there. There’s a difference, though neither scenario makes the buyer feel much better about themselves for falling for it.)