How to Make DVDs – And Make More Money!


Do you know why so many experts put their content on DVDs?  It’s all about the Benjamins (money!)

For the same content you’d normally deliver via a blog, an ebook, or series of paid videos or audios you’d stream online behind a membership site, you can put it on DVD and increase your profits drastically!

It’s no real secret why we’ve put several products out, like our live seminars in Vegas, on DVD.  They sell better and at higher prices than we can get for streaming them online.

By simply putting part or all of your audio and video inventory on DVD and selling it through a fulfillment company you can increase profits substantially and reach a customer base that is more comfortable consuming that content in DVD format.

How To Make A DVD Product

Aye, there’s the rub, right?  How does this all work?  How do you make a DVD and then turn around and hook up with a fulfillment company to do the dirty work of copying and packaging and mailing the product for you?

That’s where my friend Mike Stewart can help.  He’s doing a special training on DVD production that is going to be packed full of people who want to learn how to make DVDs and turn old products (and new products) into fresh profits.

One of the easiest business models of all time on the web is running your traffic to a DVD product sales page and having people purchase, having your fulfillment company do all the dirty work, and you just collect the money.

If you’ve ever thought of what it would do for your authority in your market to have a professional DVD package (its like having a real book, but a lot easier to put together than writing a book!) then get in on Mike’s training.

He’s the best in the business.  Plus he’s giving away a free lesson and $150 worth of 60 second themes just for taking a look!

Sign up for “How to  Make a DVD” training by Mike Stewart!

That’s NOT an affiliate link!

I just want FTR readers to get something out of this and come back and say “You know Jack, I took you up on that advice and now I have my product on DVD and we are making more money than we ever have!  Thanks!”

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dvd production, how to make a dvd, make a dvd, mike stewart

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