How To Explode Your RSS and List Subscriptions


It’s probably no secret that I use a lot of remote blogs, social sites, lenses, and other Web 2.0 properties to build authority for this site.

Here’s a big fat DUH moment which is sure to have you slapping your forehead.

Put your email subscription form and RSS subscription buttons on all the remote sites you maintain.

Most people are just putting up content, running their feeds on the remote sites where this is possible, and leaving it at that with occasional updates.

Big no-no! You’re not done!

Put your email capture form on all the sites you can along with your RSS subscription method and capture people remotely!

There is no guarantee whether a visitor looking at your HubPage right this moment is ever going to click to come to your main site. They also aren’t guaranteed to leave via an advertisement which would make you a couple pennies.

Give them another option or two and get them signed up for your list!

The old way of spreading your optin form around the web was tedious: doing thank-you page exchanges where you swap links with another related site on your thank you pages.

“Thank you for subscribing! Here’s another newsletter you should check out.”

Man that was hard and as much as people talked about it, no one really did it that much.

Now you can spread your optin forms all over the internet with many of the social sites you maintain. Do it this weekend and watch your subscription rate double-triple or more depending on how well you are driving traffic to your satellites!

And by the way, please subscribe to the Friday Traffic Report feed if you haven’t already. It’s good stuff!

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getting rss subscribers, getting subscribers, list building, social marketing

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