Hello-Goodbye Blog Marketing


The best way to earn guaranteed loyalty from your visitors is to be a valuable resource.

Completely the opposite of what we in the internet marketing world (picture an incestuous mud puddle of gurus and sheep) learned about publishing, the best sites send people away.

Remarkably, although it has been noted time and again, many blog marketers just don’t seem to get the concept.

You never forget your first time. In this case, the first time was when you stumbled onto a resource that you wanted to bookmark and subscribe to so you’d never ever lose it.

And so you could come back again and again for updates and content that hits you between the eyes and links to resources of true, bonafide value.

THAT is the definition of an authority site.

So to get the party started once again, below you will find some good reading on sending them away and other [tag]blog marketing[/tag] topics.

If you don’t learn at least 3 new things from the blogs above, let me know and I will send you 2 free tickets to the next MENSA picnic.  (Don’t forget the potato salad.)

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Blog Marketing, blog promotion, getting subscribers, reader loyalty

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