Guest Post by Tom Deeter
Are you creating valuable content for your blog (or website) on a regular basis?
Or, are you feeding your audience leftovers gathered from other bloggers syndicated “junk food”?
I hope not, because consistent, valuable content (text, audio and video) is the ONE aspect of your web presence that MUST exist.
As a fellow social marketer, I struggle with this too. So, here’s a great “pneumonic device” that helps me keep content creation on track: QU.IL.LO
Notice the beginning of this post. It started with a question, right? I could have started with: “A good blog creates valuable content on a regular basis.” And you would have said… “Duh!”. But, I bet the question made you think to yourself… “Is my content valuable, am I posting consistently?”
You tell me, which reaction is better?
Now, take a look at line #2 above. Just in case you did not get the point with the initial question, I threw in a brief illustration that may have poked a few article marketers in the ribs.
Imagine… serving up leftover junk food from someone else’s garbage… how disgusting. Sadly, this is what the majority of bloggers do.
So, this illustration made the point in a way that caused the desired emotion (disgust) in just one sentence.
Once the question is raised and the illustration causes a reaction, the logical statement will have meaning and impact.
See line #3… I now restate the point phrased as a question in line #1. But now, you get it, you believe it and you are more likely to trust what I have to say next.
Social Suicide
As a serious social marketer, you may be busy…
- Blasting Squidoo with loads of keyword rich lenses.
- The QU.IL.LO Method to Creating Blog Content
- Casting articles to dozens of article directories with or
- Making timely comments on oodles of blogs each day using Comment Kahuna or Comment Sniper.
- Digging, Sphinning, BuzzUping, or Twitting for hours each day.
All in an effort to lead a browser back to your blog and, more importantly, your offer.
So, at the end of that rope, what do you have waiting for your visitors?
Well, they are either welcomed with great original content that is easy to navigate or smacked with banners, text link ads and recycled content.
The latter is the typical fare on most blogs and this, my fellow social marketers, kills the potential of ever making money with your blog.
Why not reevaluate the quality of your blog and start using the QU.IL.LO method for fantastic blog content that readers will want to be a part of.
Tom Deeter is a social media marketing consultant with NetSmart Media and a frequent contributor to
Other great, helpful posts about content development and copy strategies:
- A 20-Step Process For Finding Your 1000 True Fans
- A Three-Step Approach to Strategic Content Development
- Content Development delays Website Production
- Why Content Development Strategies Are Important for Popularity …
- How to Become an Authority in Your Niche: Eight Content …
- Social Media Content Creation Process