Google Plus is a crucial social component of blog marketing. The name alone indicates all you need to know about how much information and juice Google gets out of your participation on the social network.
Google is a search engine. They have a social network. They can see every +1 and mention of your site, posts, pictures, videos, or audios. And they use that data to rate your site for search results.
Here are the WordPress plugins that are available to enhance your site’s interaction with Google Plus:
1) Google Authorship Plugin (Free)
This is the most crucial (and first thing you should do) plugin for WordPress to claim authorship of your blog content as yours. It will give you an enhanced search listing among other things:
Top result is special, stands out. Next result is what the rest of the top 10 results look like in search. This is part of what is so important about Google Authorship. Use Google Author Link plugin to accomplish this task.
2) Comments Evolved for WordPress (Free) Requires PHP 5.5.3 on your hosting server
Update: Use Google + Comments plugin if your server PHP to 5+ yet.
Change your comment system from WordPress default to Google Plus comments. If you’re going to have comments at all, and it is VERY debatable whether comments should be activated on any blog at this point, you need to have a chance that people are actually going to show up as commentators on your posts.
Nothing is worse than dead comments and “0 Comments” showing on your blog. It would be better to take them out completely than to leave them up in that case. But if you hook your comments to where people actually DO comment on your work, like Google Plus, then comments can come alive again on your blog and prove to your readers that there are others who care about your blog than just your mom.
Use this plugin to achieve this task.