Digg Completely Explained


I found a wonderful Digg algorithm article tonight from Search Engine Land.  If you’ve ever wanted to know what makes Digg tick and how people get to the front page, you should check out this post.

Hint:  If you think the number of friends you have or an absolute number of Diggs is what it takes to get on the front page, you’re wrong and you need to read about the Digg algorithm.

Yeah, I was just as surprised as you.  Digg has a serious algorithm!

But wait, there’s more!  For an additional $0.00 you also get the slicer, dicer, mashup of Digg and other buzz tactics from Dean Hunt!

Once you’ve read post above, come back here and download a completely free guide to Digg and Buzz marketing from Dean Hunt.  Dean is a master Digg front pager and he actually shows you exactly how he’s landed on the front page multiple times without doing a single scammy thing.  He actually earns it like everyone else!

I guarantee you that you’ve paid for reports that were nowhere near as good and informative as this one.

No affiliate link – this is a straight download.  It’s that good.  Nothing to buy.

Download Dean Hunt’s Web Traffic Orgasm 

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dean hunt, digg algorithm, digg front page, search engine land, web traffic orgasm

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